Studies Behind Self-Help Apps

Studies Behind Self-Help Apps

Do Self-Help Apps Work?

“There’s an app for that” is a saying we hear all the time, and nowadays, it isn’t just a silly joke—it is truer than ever. We can track just about anything with an app. Whether it is our exercise, eating, or even our moods. Smartphone apps help us access resources around-the-clock in an instant like never before, and the app store is often the first place people go to when they need something. But when it comes to our self-care and self-help, can guidance be found through an app? Keep reading to learn more about whether self-help apps work and the one app you need to download to get your journey started.

What Can a Self-Help App Teach?

Think you need to be going through depression or a crisis in order to require a self-help app? Think again! Self-help apps can help anybody in any area of their lives. Some of the many ways your life can improve through a self-help app include:

  • Better communication
  • Improved productivity
  • Better work/life balance
  • Healthy coping skills
  • Realistic goal setting
  • Delegation skills
  • Better leadership skills

What The Studies Say

A study by the National Library of Medicine states that mobile apps have significant potential to deliver high-efficacy mental health interventions. Given the global shortage of psychiatrists and the lack of mental health care access in rural regions, apps have emerged as a viable tool to bridge the mental health treatment gap. Technology is well-poised to transform how mental health treatment is delivered and accessed, but this transformation requires the combined mobilization of science, regulation, and design.

NIMH classifies mental health apps into six categories based on functionality: self-management, cognition improvement, skills-training, social support, symptom tracking, and passive data collection. The study continues that mental health apps must be evidence-based and carefully designed. Developers should integrate the following four characteristics of high-efficacy mental health apps:

  • High patient engagement
  • Simple user interface (UI) and experience
  • Transdiagnostic capabilities
  • Self-monitoring features

Self-Help Apps: the Foojan App

Whether or not you are a busy entrepreneur with a demanding schedule, a self-help app can improve many areas of your life. Are you ready to get started?

The groundbreaking Foojan App reflects years of research and the formal application of therapies practiced by eminent psychotherapist Dr. Foojan Zeine. This includes Dr. Zeine’s highly acclaimed Awareness Integration Theory (AIT), which enables you to identify your negative core beliefs, release constraining memories from the past, and pursue a fulfilling future of your own design.

This customized self-help app was developed to meet Dr. Zeine’s desire to share her knowledge and unique therapy style with as many struggling and searching individuals as possible. Dr. Zeine and her professional team are dedicated to providing step-by-step guidance in your healing process so that you, and others like you, can function effectively and productively for a happier life.

We invite you to meet the key individuals responsible for the Foojan App’s user-friendly design, personalized interface, and powerful messaging by visiting us at!

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