What Tools Do Life Coaches Use?
Life Coaching App with The Awareness Integration Theory Life coaching is a great alternative—or addition to—therapy to keep your mental health on track. Life coaches can help you improve your communication, productivity, overall mood, stress levels, and much more in order
New Year’s Resolution: Improve Your Productivity
Self-Help Apps Can Improve Your Productivity It’s time to make your New Year’s Resolution, and if you’re ready to make one that will actually stick and last a lifetime, it’s time to download a self-help app. One of the many things
Can Self-Help Apps Improve Productivity?
Can Self-Management Improve Productivity? Nobody enjoys being micro-managed. Constantly having your superior breathing down your neck about deadlines, how you’re working, and making sure you’re on track can leave you feeling like you’re not important, valued, or trusted as a good
What Do Self-Care Apps Do?
Everyone has a special something that makes them feel better during times of high stress. Whether that is exercise, reading a book, watching a funny movie, getting together with friends, or going to the spa, we all need to find